Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, June 7, 2010

First Ultrasound!!!

So we have ONE healthy little heartbeat! Wooot! I've been SO exhausted lately... Like more than I was when I was pregnant with my own two, so I was thinking that it might be twins. We're all happy to hear that it's one! LOL 

I'm measuring at 7 weeks and one day, and my due date is January 24th! It's all so exciting! I still can't believe I have another couples baby growing inside me... It's so crazy! Ha ha! 

I'm still on the progesterone shots for about another month.... I can go down from 2cc's to 1cc in two weeks though! Then 2 more weeks and I'm done! My back looks like a freaking pincushion so I'm pretty happy it's almost done!

1 comment:

  1. Its so exciting..Braelyn will be 6 months old byt hen!! Well almost 7....I cant wait to see your baby belly!!!! <3 Congrats on it just being one!!!!!!
