Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Yay annd Boo!

So I can finally decrease the progesterone down to 1cc! Yay! I am SO sick of these effin shots! Seriously... my back looks like a pincushion! Ha ha!

BTW... Do you know how awkward it is taking a picture of your lower back?! LOL

No, I don't have birthmarks all over my back... those are little bruises from the shots! I am used to them by now, but I'm SO ready to be done with them! So in about 2 weeks of the 1cc I can stop... Hopefully! I take my last shot on the 28th and then I have blood work on the 30th, and if everything looks good I won't have to start them up again! WooT!

Now for the BOO! I have only gained like 2 pounds so far, but my freaking pants are already getting tight! WTF?! I have TWO pairs of jeans that fit and one I have to squeeze into and the other pair is just starting to get snug!  So I guess I'm going to go to the mall and get me another pair or two to wear until I have to buy maternity pants! :-D


  1. I think you look great! xoox

  2. You are probably already tight due to having had two kids...our bodies are just not the same you know...LOL....what a great entry..! I am so delighted with your blog!
