Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, August 23, 2010

Little Wiggle Worm!

So I've definitely been feeling some movement! I can feel this lil bean moving around several times a day now! 

I can't wait to see Beth and Mike again! Just about 2 weeks and they'll be here for the weekend again! Then me and my little family are off to Florida! We haven't had a vacation in like 5 years, so we're pretty freaking excited! 

I guess that's it! Just a quick post today! :-D 

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dr. Appointment and other things!

So I had another appointment last Friday. Everything looks great! The baby was moving around so much that we could only hear the heartbeat for a few seconds. She'd get the HB, then the lil wiggle worm would move away! When s/he was sitting still though we heard a good strong heartbeat! 

OK so I got to have a mini panic attack yesterday! The Dr.s office called and told me that there was no U/S tech in on the day (Sept. 3rd) we scheduled the appointment. I was just about to start screaming into the phone, when the lady said... "Now I know you have people flying in for it, and it needs to be done that day." I said "Yes it does! The parents are coming in the night before, and then the day after the appointment we're leaving for our vacation!" So she told me she'd work on it and get back to me ASAP. 
So about 20 minutes later she called back and says it's all set, it's just going to be at the hospital instead. Which works out anyway, because we wanted to tour the hospital while Beth and Mike were here and I obviously want to know where it is before I go into labor! Ha ha! 

So there was the tiny little drama! I'm glad they took care of it so quickly... I just don't understand why they didn't know when I first made the appointment that no one would be in!  

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

No use crying over BK....

**OK little side note...
We're adding on to the house and we just bought a tub, toilet, and sink so we're like broke this week...**

So there's not much to eat in the house right now... Well there's stuff, just nothing I want. I was going to have a meatball sandwich, (we had spaghetti and meatballs last night) but we ran out of bread. So anyway Hubbie texted me and said "Hey stopping at BK for lunch... What did you do for lunch?" (He drives the delivery truck, and must of gotten a tip or something and I thought he was in the area) So I texted right back.. "Yay! Whopper with bacon, cheese and extra pickles and a small fry!" 
I was so exited! I normally don't like fast food, but I really wanted a cheeseburger right now!

Then I get his text back... "Hunnie.. That's not what I meant... Sorry! I'm going to BK for lunch, what are you doing? Love you... Order something if you want! " Then I went back and re-read his text... I literally almost burst into tears.... (doesn't help that my daycare kids have been nuts today...) I'm still sitting here all mopey and sad about it... 

Aww my first pregnancy spazz.... Someone want to bring me a cheeseburger?? Ha ha! 

Yay for new clothes that fit!

So I got my check for Maternity clothes! I had a few shirts and pants but I couldn't find the bin that I put them in anywhere! So I bought a few surrogacy shirts and had I had one made for each of my littles!

I wish I thought of the fact that I'd see the belly band through the shirt before I got a bunch of light pink and white shirts... lol (I think I might go back and swap a pair of pants for ones I saw with the beige colored band, because that won't show through!) 

I have another appointment on Friday! This driving to Mass for 10-15 minute appointments is getting old... lol I wish my OB wanted to work with the one in Mass so I could have some appointments here. I have to schedule them for when Geoff has a day off 
so he can go with me. I hate driving into Mass by myself, especially 45 minutes away! Ha ha! 

Well that's it for now! I'll update after my appointment! 

Oh and of course AFTER I bought new clothes I found my old ones!