Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


So I have to do one more week of the shot and then go for blood work again. :-(  I guess they want my Progesterone level to be at about 20 and it's at 16 right now. So hopefully it goes up and I can be done! LOL

I'm already getting a belly!  I guess it happens twice as quick the third time around! Ha ha!
I went out and bought myself some cute knee length skirts, because my pants are getting tight on me and I really don't like looking at my fat legs in shorts!  So yay for being comfy! 

Oh, and in case anyone was wondering and didn't already go see it... Eclipse was amazing!! I can not wait for Breaking Dawn!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Last shot!

Hopefully... Ha ha!

Last night hubbie gave me my last Progesterone shot! I'll have blood work tomorrow to check the levels and if everything is good, I won't have to do anymore shots! YAY!

So this is totally not pregnancy related, but me and some friends are going to see Eclipse at midnight tonight! I can not wait! I am going to be EXHAUSTED tomorrow morning, but it's SO worth it! Ha ha! 

OK I'll update tomorrow after the nurse calls about my blood work!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

First doctors appointment!

I had my first doctors appointment yesterday... Sucks I have to drive about 40 minutes away for all of them! Ha ha! 
Everything went great! The office has like 9 Midwives, so that's pretty cool!  We tried to hear the heartbeat, but the baby is still very small and low, (obviously lol) so she brought in the little U/S machine and we saw the baby and s/he was blinking away! :-D 

I got that whole packet of stuff you aren't supposed to eat and bla bla bla... Then the Midwife asked all the questions... Do you smoke? No. Do you drink while pregnant? No. Do you wear your seat belt? Yes. Do you drink coffee? Yes, only one cup a day! ;-) Well that's good, but you know we'll want you to stop at 20 weeks...

Uhh... What?? I've never heard that! I've always heard one cup of coffee a day was fine! I drank coffee with both my kids and they're both fine! lol I know girls who had one Pepsi or some other kind of soda a day because they didn't like coffee or whatever. I know caffeine isn't the best thing, but I've always heard that one cup a day is fine.  I don't drink soda very often, and when I do it's usually Sierra Mist. I don't eat chocolate very often... a candy bar once in a while, or some chocolate milk or a cookie (OK So I usually have like 4-5 cookies... Who the hell can just eat one chocolate chip cookie?!) and sometimes I have an Iced Tea... So really I don't have a lot of caffeine. I need my cup of coffee every morning... I have 2 kids and I babysit 6 other kids... they get to my house about 7:30 in the morning... Don't take away my coffee! LOL

OK now that, my little tantrum is over... I guess I could switch to De-cafe... Maybe just the hot cup of coffee will be enough to trick me into thinking I don't need the caffeine... 

Ooh! I almost forgot! We scheduled the big U/S for September 3rd! I had to do it ASAP so that Beth and Mike could make arrangements to be here for it.  So I e-mailed Beth, just to make sure that date worked for them, so I'm just waiting to hear back! :-D

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Yay annd Boo!

So I can finally decrease the progesterone down to 1cc! Yay! I am SO sick of these effin shots! Seriously... my back looks like a pincushion! Ha ha!

BTW... Do you know how awkward it is taking a picture of your lower back?! LOL

No, I don't have birthmarks all over my back... those are little bruises from the shots! I am used to them by now, but I'm SO ready to be done with them! So in about 2 weeks of the 1cc I can stop... Hopefully! I take my last shot on the 28th and then I have blood work on the 30th, and if everything looks good I won't have to start them up again! WooT!

Now for the BOO! I have only gained like 2 pounds so far, but my freaking pants are already getting tight! WTF?! I have TWO pairs of jeans that fit and one I have to squeeze into and the other pair is just starting to get snug!  So I guess I'm going to go to the mall and get me another pair or two to wear until I have to buy maternity pants! :-D

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ooh I forgot!!

I totally forgot to say that Beth and Mike called during the U/S and got to hear the heartbeat and the Tech talking about how the baby looked and everything! I'm so glad that they got to hear it!!  I e-mailed them the U/S pics as soon as I got home and I'm going to be sending them the originals today! :-D

On a side note... I can not wait for the whole dragging ass, exhausted, hit by a truck feeling to go away! I don't remember being THIS tired with my littles.... Come on 2nd Trimester! Ha ha! 

Monday, June 7, 2010

First Ultrasound!!!

So we have ONE healthy little heartbeat! Wooot! I've been SO exhausted lately... Like more than I was when I was pregnant with my own two, so I was thinking that it might be twins. We're all happy to hear that it's one! LOL 

I'm measuring at 7 weeks and one day, and my due date is January 24th! It's all so exciting! I still can't believe I have another couples baby growing inside me... It's so crazy! Ha ha! 

I'm still on the progesterone shots for about another month.... I can go down from 2cc's to 1cc in two weeks though! Then 2 more weeks and I'm done! My back looks like a freaking pincushion so I'm pretty happy it's almost done!