Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, January 28, 2011

Miss Chloe Kristen is here!

Well the little lady decided to wait until the very last minute to be born! Ha ha! She came on Monday, January 24th at 8:45pm! She weighed 8lbs 3oz.

So Monday morning I FINALLY started having contractions around 10am. They weren't very strong, but were coming about every 10 minutes or so. This is how my son was, so I knew she'd be born some time that day! I called Beth, and let her know that we might be heading to their apartment to hang out for a bit!

Around noon they started getting a little stronger, but were still about 10 minutes apart.... I called Beth back and said that we were getting the kids some lunch and heading down. 
We hung out there for a while, and around 3:30ish the contractions were coming about 5 minutes apart, still about the same strength that they were at noon, (just a tad stronger) so I figured it was time to get to the hospital. 

We got there, and they hooked me up to the monitor, and checked me and I was about 3cm dilated and the baby's head was low! Yay! I labored in the bed for a bit, then decided to get into the jacuzzi tub! I love it, and used it with my own two during labor. It really does help with some of the pain! (I didn't use any meds, just like with my own two)**Around this time Geoff's dad came to pick up Caidy and Gavin to bring them home so they could get some supper and go to bed. That was a big help, because Geoff didn't end up leaving the hospital until about 10pm.Also, since they're only 2 and 4, I really didn't want them to watch me give birth... Ha ha! Thanks Bob!** I sat there for about 20 minutes, and the contractions started getting a little stronger, so I decided to get out of the tub. They were coming about every 3 minutes now.

I got dressed and headed back across the hall (The tub was in a little room right across from the delivery room I was in.) I got back in the bed, and they hooked me back up to the monitor (I don't know why, but that belt was annoying the crap out of me this time! LOL) They had a shift switch, and thank God, because the midwife I had before... she's sweet, but SUCH a flake... Like she seemed high or something. Just very VERY laid back and I don't know, just weird... Ha ha! 

So a couple more hours went by, and we were all talking and watching Jeopardy, (The sound on the TV wasn't working, but no one really cared,  lol) The contractions were about a minute apart now, and starting to SUCK! It was about 8:40pm. I asked the midwife to check me, and the baby's head was right there, and I was 9mc dilated. She decided to break my water and I was all for that! 

I felt like I needed to push right after it was broken! I only pushed 3 times and she was born! There was Meconium in the water bag, so the baby was handed off to a nurse, so be cleaned up and have her mouth suctioned out. 

I was watching Beth and Mike the whole time, and they were in tears! They finally have their little baby! Then the nurse asked what her name was, and they said Chloe Kristen... I was so touched that they gave my name as her middle name! 

Oh and before they took her, when they cut the cord... I had heard the Midwife say something about the cord being kind of short... then they cut it and I felt something splatter on my face!! Then I realized it was blood.... It had gone all over me, my pillow... the wall and ceiling! It was crazy! We all laughed about that! The Midwife said she'd NEVER seen that happen before! 

That little lady has some lungs on her! After they got her mouth cleaned out, she started screaming! They got her all cleaned up and bundled up and Beth and Mike held her for a few minutes, then they brought her over to me. (The midwife was pushing on my tummy, and helping me deliver the placenta while the baby was being cleaned and bundled and loved on!) She was SO cute!! She has fat little cheeks and red hair, and of course the just born squished face! 

So we're having some of my friends and family over to meet Chloe tomorrow! Beth's mom and one of her friends will be coming over with them, it'll be cool to meet them! 

Would I do this again, probably not. Only because pregnancy takes a toll on your body (obviously, lol) and IF I do get pregnant again, it will the the last time, and I would want it to be one more for us! As of right now though, we're happy with the two we have! 

This all was such a great experience though! The last month of the pregnancy, especially the last two weeks, were pretty suckish, but it was all worth it!  They are such a wonderful couple and I'm so happy that I could help them start a sweet little family! 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Still Pregnant....

I had a Dr.s appointment on Wednesday and I'm only 1cm dilated and my cervix is still high. This little baby is a stubborn one! Ha ha! 

I was sitting in the tub last night poking my belly, saying "OK little baby! It is time for you to get out. Mommy and Daddy have been waiting patiently for you... Time to come out!" Baby didn't listen...

My friend gave me a birth ball and I've been bouncing on that... I made chili for dinner the other night and added lots of hot sauce to my bowl... I've been walking around my house. Seems this little one is just to comfy in there! Hopefully I'll start having some contractions soon!

I'm sitting here typing this out with my fat, achy, tingly fingers, and I would  like very much not to be pregnant anymore.... SO... 
Little one... Please remove yourself from my uterus! I know your comfy and warm, and the world out here is so much bigger than the little world you've been living in the past almost 40 weeks... but there are a lot of people waiting to meet you! Mommy and Daddy want you now! It's OK for you to come out now! I promise you'll get lots of love and it'll be so much more fun than the little space you've been in! So... Out you go! Go on... Time to be born! 
Your Achy, Fat, Swollen, Exhausted Oven

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dear Baby,

Well, it's been fun, but now I'm exhausted, achy all over and water logged. You have given me cankles and my hands are swollen too, and they hurt. You are adorable and all, and I've had fun feeling you wiggle around in my belly and play in my ribcage... but your Mommy and Daddy will be here on Friday. Seeing that your due date is just around the corner anyway, I'm asking you to please vacate the premises when they get here. It's been a great 9 months, but it's time for you to make your entrance into the world Little One! 
Please enjoy the next few days of kicking my ribs and using my bladder as a trampoline! ;-) 
Thanks and have a great day! 
Your Oven 

Monday, January 3, 2011

It's getting close!

I can't believe it's already January! Beth and Mike will be here on the 14th, and soon after they'll have their little baby!! I've been so SO tired lately... I'm hoping this little one decides to come a little early... like the 15th would be good! Ha ha! 
My legs and feet, and hands are swollen... I had to take my wedding rings and family ring off! I never puffed up this much with my Littles! I'm way more tired and achy this time too... I feel like I can't do anything without feeling like I'm trying to run a freaking marathon or something! I can't wait to get my body back! I'm at the point where I'm DONE! LOL
I just can't believe how fast this has gone by! I can't believe it's been over a year already when all this started and we met Beth and Mike! It's crazy how fast time flies!