Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, September 20, 2010

We had the Ultrasound!

So Beth and Mike flew over for the Ultrasound! Everything looked great! The Dr. said the baby looks perfect and is measuring right on time!! Such awesome news!! 

This little baby is such a wiggle worm, like my son was! I feel... (I'm just going to say Baby, only because I hate saying "It" lol) I feel baby moving around several times a day! 

The only thing that sucks is the heartburn... I have to take a Zantac every day (I'm so sick of Tums, so I switched to Zantac after asking the Dr.) Other than that and being more tired, I have no other pregnancy symptoms! Just like with my other two... I guess I just have very easy pregnancies! 
I can't believe I'm already 22 weeks along! It's going by so fast! I can not wait for Beth and Mike to be able their sweet little baby!! 
They're going to come back over in November again, I can't wait to see them! They might be here for Thanksgiving! I told them they should definitely try to come then so they can have Thanksgiving dinner with us, since they don't celebrate it at home in Ireland. 

We just got back from a very much needed vacation! We went to Florida...we drove down. It actually went pretty great! The kids did awesome in the car and only got fussy a few times, and we just put a DVD on for them and they were fine! We had to stop a lot so I could get out and move around, and of course the littles needed to get out. I thought I'd be needing to stop every 1/2 hour to pee, but it wasn't bad at all! I think my hubbie needed more stops than I did! Ha ha! 
We ended up renting a wheelchair for me for one of the days at the parks... It was just so hot and I was so tired and achy from the 2 days before, so Geoff got to push my fat butt around all day! Other than that everything went great and I felt great! We all had so much fun and get to spend lots of family time together! It was awesome! 

Oh and BTW the sex of the baby is a secret! So sorry, but no one will know until Baby is born! :-D

1 comment:

  1. <3 Your doing such a great job!! Glad u had such a fun time on your vacation!!!
