Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Swollen Feet!

Well it's official... I have Cankles. It feels so weird when I walk.... my feet feel all floppy.
I've been putting my feet up when I can, and getting up and walking around a little, if I've been sitting to long. Drinking water... Looks like I'm just going to have fat feet until I deliver this baby!  Ha ha!

Everything is going good still! The baby is still measuring on time, and even though I'm exhausted all the time and have heartburn every day, I feel OK!

I got sick last week and was literally in bed for about 3 days drinking Gatorade and puking... FUN! I ended up going to the ER on the second day (I was worried about the baby, because I hadn't eaten anything and was dehydrated) and they gave me some IV fluids... I threw up twice while I was there, then one more time as soon as I walked in the door when we got back home, and that was it. I still felt kind of nauseous on the third day, and very weak, but I was able to finally eat a little and keep it down.

Beth and Mike came over for Thanksgiving! We all had a great time! We also went and had a 4D ultrasound done and that was cool! The baby had it's hand over it's face the whole time, so we didn't get to see him/her very well. So they said I could come back and try again. Then I'll just mail the DVD over to Beth and Mike.

So next time Beth and Mike come over, they'll be here for about a month! It's so exciting! Next time they head home, they'll have their baby with them!!